Title: Whispers of Children
sorrowofanangelChapter: 8 of ?
Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama, 1st Person narrative
Band: The GazettE
Pairing(s): Reita x Aoi/ Aoi x Reita (main) | Kai x Uruha/ Uruha x Kai | Reita x Kai (one-sided)
WARNING: Angst, boy x boy, schizophrenia, sex scenes
Rating: NC-17
DISCLAIMER: No, I don't own the GazettE. If I did, I would have probably married Kai by now ♥(´∀`)♡
Synopsis: "I moved away to escape my past. Foolishly I believed a new start would help me forget. Help me move on. What I hadn't realised... was that it will follow you wherever you go. No one can know about my past. No one. And that includes Yuu..."
Chapter Summary: The consequences of Akira and Kai's actions come to a head...
Notes: SO! It has been 2 years since this fic was updated and, to be honest, this little series is my baby so I am determined to see it finished <3 I hope you all enjoy~~ (*^^*)
Music: Fly on the Wall (love scene inspiration), Courtesy Call, The End is Where We Begin ~ Thousand Foot Krutch | UNDYING, OMINOUS, 余韻 (Yoin) ~ the GazettE |
Previous Chapters:
(Prologue) |
(Chapter One) |
(Chapter Two) |
(Chapter Three) |
(Chapter Four) |
(Chapter Five) |
(Chapter Six) |
(Chapter Seven) (
"I must be dreaming..." )