Title: Trapped
Series: Shikaku - A Sense of Assassins (AU)
ldybastetPairing: Uruha/Kai
Summary: Kai gets an unpleasant awakening in the middle of the night. It doesn't stay unpleasant for long.
Rating: Adult/NC-17
Content: AU. Bondage, teasing, begging
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the GazettE or PSC, and have no knowledge of what is happening in their lives, apart from what is revealed in interviews and on Twitter. This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to real events or people is purely coincidental. No disrespect is intended and I earn no money from this.
Notes: ~2450 words. Written for the begging square on my
seasonofkink card. This is the third part in the Assassin AU series I started ages ago. The previous parts are
The Hunter and
The Hunted. Many thanks to
misumaru for the beta.