urthling changes and dogs

Mar 16, 2010 10:16

to continue from the last post, the urthling has spend every night since Fri. in her own bed in her own room.  WOW! she's done pretty good about not peeing, but i think yesterday she had an accident because i was trying to wake her up.  last night i put pull-ups on her and it was dry this morning.

she also hasn't nursed since last friday morning! at all!

she's also been doing real well with the potty- all day Sat. until early evening when she didn't make it to the potty in time, but she did manage to pee in the potty as well as all over her pants.  Sun. she did fine but we had an accident at the pet store. making progress.

my little girl is growing up. but......

she found an old pacifier and now she is going around saying that she is a baby and sucking the paci.  she will stand there and hold her hands up to be picked up because "i'm a baby".  she's also sleeping with it and will wake up calling out that she needs her binky.   i'm assuming this is part of her processing this major change she has done. i hope she gets rid of the paci in the next few weeks.  i guess melissa took it out of her mouth yesterday and said "your too big for this."  thebcman said the urthling went from being happy to not happy-didn't cry, but not happy the paci was taken away.

on the dog front-went to Jeff Co. Humane Society Sat. and checked out the dogs. the dog they had listed as a shepard mix is more of a golden retriever mix-eh. the mastiff mix said no blankets or toys-nix that one because i don't want to spend my time keeping all of the urthling's toys out of the dogs reach. then there was Jinx, the American Staffordshire Terrier mix.  any dog that likes to have its belly rubbed and while getting that done looks like Jinx does in the pic-that is a happy dog!  she was friendly-licked the urthling in the face. seemed to walk pretty well on the lead. i already had the application papers filled out in case we liked one of the dogs. if our vet had been open, we may have been able to bring her home then-but it is probably better that they weren't so i can get a few more little things done first.  since Jeff Co pound is closed on monday i have to wait until today to see if they approve us-i don't see why not. i even went so far as to enroll her in obedience classes.  the Jayhawk Kennel Club classes start the end of this month. my memory of them with Watson was you showed up for enrollment EARLY. they now have online pre-registration which ended last Mon. i didn't want to miss this in case we did get her.

we will be changing her name-i don't think she is a Jinx. to keep with the Sherlock Holmes theme (we've had Sherlock the westie mix and then Watson the beagle mix) we've been playing around with names. i don't think she is a Mrs. Hudson or Hudson. Touie was the nickname Conan Doyle gave his first wife-we like that a lot. we are also considering Copper-short for the Copper Beeches story. thebcman suggested Paprika-we don't have to keep with the SH theme.  i figure i'll  wait until i get her and let her tell me what she likes.

i am rather excited about getting her.  i wonder if it would be out of line to call up there later today to see if we've been approved. that way i won't have to wait until i get home to find out! (i did say i was excited about her).

pets, rosalind

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