Unfolding *12* magical elven love letters

Jan 22, 2007 18:18

Our home is a sort of tesseract, so that on that most illusional plane that is called consensual reality it appears to mundane eyes as nothing more than one half of a single story duplex but as it unfolds onto the mental, astral, etheric and imaginal planes of the fourth dimension it spreads outward and upward to become an enormous mansion. So it is, for instance, that our living room on the mundane plane becomes our main library, our primary magic room, four shrines, two guest bedrooms, a small work area, a massage room, a yoga/pilates room and an enormous ballroom that folds out four squared becoming sixteen times its original size. And that is only naming some of the rooms that are contained within it.
Thus it was ...
Dearest Kindred,
... that on Santamys, the third day after solstice, when we opened the pyramid magic that had been constructed for the past four years and released the spirits and energy to go forth to their appointed tasks, on the various planes of being in and about Eldafaryn, our realm where the tesseract is located. We also offered prosperity powder, spirit water, wyzard’s brew, posperi-tea, sacred Shamanic (not that poison found in cigarettes) tobacco smoke, the waters of enchantment and various other delicacies found pleasing to the spirits on each day for the two weeks following, Various of these items had been brewing for years. Take for example the Posterity Powder that had been created nearly a decade previous. This was an incredible feast for the spirits, strengthening them for their labors to come and rewarding them for their years of service already.
On the second day we began burning the Red Dragon candle, a foot tall, 3 inch diameter, candle with a gold and silver dragon on its circumference. We spun the red ribbed tube that is our Red Dragon caller and set that magic in motion. And here was the first sign of response for the very next day we heard the Dragon call just outside the door that leads to our forest, letting us know he had arrived. And another small bit of magic as well, just a day later, a synchronicity. We had gone to meet Juju Valarynsa in the usual place and who should be there but Petyr Vangordyr and Nova Magdalan, two elf kin we had known casually through Valarynsa but had not as yet gotten to know more intimately. They were there with two other elves they had meet at Fire Dance in Hawaii. Thus we had an impromptu elf gathering, which, considering a great deal of the pyramid magic is directed toward bringing elves together, was a very good sign. Shortly there after we would get together yet again at Eldafaryn where we took photos of us all to illustrate the Magical Elven Love Letters, vol. 2 that we are currently in the processes of completing for publication. If nothing else came of the pyramid magic, and we expect a great deal more, getting to know these very bright and beautiful Elfae better is wondrous in itself.
On the other hand the oracles were most curious. On the day we opened the pyramid we did the Mah Jongg oracle and got tremendous results, except at the very center where we received the card North, which represents Winter, poverty and distress and usually means "no" or "nothing is happening". In this case however, since Winter had just begun it could have also meant, "Now", but also possibly, "dormant till spring". It was also clear this was a magic that would be years, perhaps lifetimes unfolding.
We were not deterred. Having spent four years on the magic, we knew that it would fulfill itself. But we must admit we were less than enthused to hear “longer, much longer”. So we continued with the feast, burnt the Red Dragon candle and each day released the spirits, spells and enchantments that the pyramid contained within, until, a week after opening the pyramid, we released it as well, burning it to the potent scent of Copal.
On that day we did the oracle again, and once more, it had amazing predictions of magic and fulfillment and yet again said, “Longer than you expected” and had, at the very center, once again, “North”, as though to say, “Listen up you stupid elves!”. We are duly chastened and laughed at the revelation of our own folly and continued on with the feast, blessing the spirits, sending healing about the planet, calling our elves to us and burning the Red Dragon candle, until a week later still, when the candle had burnt to it last bit of wick, Lyndareyl, whom we had not seen in some time, came to visit, and since she had each year contributed enchantments to the pyramid, and since the Red Dragon candle was completed, as well as the feast and all the magics associated with the pyramid, we did the oracle one more time, completely prepared to be chastised by it, if that was truly our desserts. Once again we received amazing predictions of magic, a reminder that the magic would take far longer than we expected, desired or hoped for to be fulfilled but this time, at the very center, the card "Earth", an indication of Materialization and Maifestation, a sign that at last the Pyramid magic had begun to truly unfold.
What will come of all this, we do not know, Beloved, but we do know that the love we put into it was heart felt and sincere and such love, while delayed, can never in the long run be denied.

the silver elves

silver elves, elven love letters

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