what magic is this? *12* magical elven love letters

Oct 15, 2006 07:53

In the week between Pyrvyndyr’s bridal reception and her wedding...
Beloved Kin,
... we spent some time with Cathyryn Sola and Loriel Lyndoreyn. We’ve
known Loriel for over thirty years and she is family to us and we to
her, albeit an esoteric rather than genetic lineage. We met her not
long after she had been first awakened by the Elf Queen’s Daughters and
she was with those sister brothers when they awakened us.
We shared a day together traipsing about the magic city, sharing
tales of old times and catching each other up on some of the adventures
we had in between. She had written an account of her own awakening by
the EQD when she was but sixteen, a mere wisp of a faery girl, which
she read to us and which evoked the feeling and atmosphere of that time
and event so that it felt as though we were there ours’elves.
What magic is this that binds us through time and space, lifetime
after lifetime, age after age of the world? We burnt our names in flame
at the beginning of this Age of Man and swore we’d return again and
again to awaken our people from the long sleep that is the struggle of
Humanity to rise from mindless unthinking passion to reasoning feeling
intellect. A struggle that goes on still this very day.
At this very moment, in areas all over this planet there are
who are raising their children to believe that their religion, race,
culture, political ideology, gender is the one true way and that all
others are inferior and are only worthy of enslavement, conversion,
death, etc. They are eagerly plotting mayhem upon each other and
utterly unaware that their god, great leader, group is but one in a
long line of aggressive sky god cults, each for the past three to four
thousand years seeking to eliminate and/or dominate the others.
We elves, alas, are not a dominant nor dominating race. We have
always been and surely will always be a sub dominant genetic influence
that prefers variety over uniformity and the moral uncertainty of
choice over the absolute certainty of following orders given from on
high. We are wielders of magic and accept responsibility for our own
destiny and actions, rather than allowing others to think for us only
later to curse god, king, and their representatives for proving no more
infallible than we.
It is not that we don’t have sages and great intellects, pioneers
and leaders among us. Nor that we ignore them and go our own way
heedless of their hints and guidance. But the wise among the elves ever
encourage us to think for our own s’elves and develop our own wisdom
and it is by this fact we’ve come to recognize them.
So it is too that Elfin Magic is not a repetitious incantation of
ancient rituals and spells, which like a chemical formula if
constructed in the precise fashion always has the same results but a
blending of will, intent and poetic license ever adjusted for the time
and goal we seek to manifest. We seek not to hypnotize the spirits with
an incessant drone of monotonous chant but to arouse their keen
interest and appreciation with creative improvision and inspired
theatrics. To most magicians, spirits are slaves or inferiors to be
ordered about. To these elven, they are potential friends and lovers to
be enchanted and courted. What our familiars do for us they do
willingly and gladly, out of love and appreciation, because they know
that no matter how many years or decades or lifetimes or aeons go by,
we are ever true to our kindred and elf friends.
What magic is this? Elfin Magic.
the silver elves

silver elves, elven love letters

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