I'm beginning to hate weekends. For most people weekends are a time to relax and unwind. For me weekends are less relaxing and more stressful than work. That's because every weekend tge bulk of my days are spent driving around Lubbock. Usually going from store to store shopping. I hate shopping. For me shopping is an unpleasant task i engage in only when necessary, and endeavor to finish as quickly as possible. Driving is an inordinately stressful activity for me. Even when Cha is driving i find it very stressful. Occasionally I'd like to spend a Saturday or Sunday doing things I enjoy.
The irony is Cha was complaining today that she wants to spend time with me. In that case the idea is to find an activity to engage in that both parties can enjoy. An activity one party enjoys but the other party hates is not an activity suitable for spending time together. The irony is we have these games (some of which Cha insisted on buying) that we could play.
Last week wasn't a good week for exercising. I just couldn't wake up. Even with Cha prodding me. I have a new idea though. I usually wake up once during the night to void my bladder. I'm thinking if I were to drink a quantity of water at that time, then it miggt be easier to get up when it's time for me to exercise. A full bladder is a pretty good incentive to get up.
My weight is still the same as last week. I'm nost sure about my bosy fat as according to the measurements it's up over 10% from last week. I think my measurements were off because i was being rushed. It's hard enough doing the measurements myself without being rushed. My blood sugar was 139, still not where I want it, but down from the last two weeks.
Pathfinder is going well. During the last session i had an idea to buy us some time should the demon that's chasing us catch up to us;
cold-iron caltrops. We spent the bulk of the session trying to figure out how to acquire a dragon's tooth from a guy who was unwilling to part with it. We finally succeeded by the expedient method of lying to him. Not exactly good, but we justified it by telling ourselves we were trying to return the tooth to it's rightful owner. Now we're on yet a third different world waiting to see what a very large and powerful dragon would want in return for sending us home. Should be interesting next Friday.