Good Habits

Mar 21, 2017 23:37

It's been awhile since I've posted. There's various reasons for this. I want to get in the habit of writing a little everyday. The more I write, the better I'll get at writing.

It's been so long since I last posted, I'm not sure what I last posted about, which makes it hard to think of what has happened since.

Last week was spring break. It wasn't much of a break as I still had work. I was off Tuesday and Wednesday. However instead of relaxing I got to drive Cha to Dallas, then from Dallas to Houston. Wednesday I spent driving Cha around Houston, until 6pm. Let me just add that I loathe driving in Houston. About 6pm we finally headed back to Lubbock from Houston, arriving around 3am. Then I went to work the next day. On the bright side Cha's visa was approved so she can study in Spain this summer. I've thought about doing study abroad myself, but whenever anyone at Tech talks about study abroad it's always study in Spain, and I refuse to go to Spain for a variety of reasons.

Friday was a nice day. I met Huiying at Lubbock Lake and we walked for a couple of hours. Then we went to Chinese buffet and had lunch. Afterwards I went back to my apartment and finished cleaning out the space for my Total Gym, and finally set it up. Thus achieving my goal of having my Total Gym set up before spring break was over.

Monday it was back to the grind. Monday I saw Huiying again b and we walked and talked for a little bit. She confessed I was one of two friends she feels comfortable confiding in. This made me happy to hear. I won't see her again this week because she's flying to a job interview. I hope it goes well for her, even though the job is in New England, because the job situation has really got her stressed.

My job continues to sap my will to live. Today I attended an information seminar about an "internship" opportunity. Turns out the "internship" would be spending the summer in another city selling a book door to door on commission. Not what I had in mind for an internship. I wouldn't have minded leaving Lubbock for the summer if it would have provided me experience I need. But this is just a low level job without even a guaranteed paycheck. I'll still keep my eyes open for a genuine, useful internship opportunity. I'm really hoping to find something to get me out of my current job for the summer.

Tomorrow I have my long awaited meeting wth the actuarial science advisor to continue the process of switching majors. I'm not sure what to expect. I wrote a professional style email to ask for the appointment and the reply was just "Wed at 3." No greeting or anything. At least the undeclared and economics advisors work with you. When I was in engineering I didn't even realize I had an advisor.

I'm going to bed kinda early tonight. Hopefully tomorrow will be a not bad day. (I no longer hope for good days)

school, work, huiying, cha

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