The good the bad and the fantastic

Sep 27, 2004 22:17

Well, the good news is, I was supposed to get Friday and Saturday off. The bad news is, I had a cashier quit, so I don’t know if that’s going to happen now. I may end up working second shift tomorrow. Though I don’t know for sure yet. Today actually went surprisingly well. I was done all of my work, well most of it anyway, and able to leave about 3:30, which is an hour and a half earlier then I expected. And for once the cash came out the way it is supposed to, instead of bouncing all over the place. I wish all my shifts could be like that. Would save me a lot of headaches.

In other news, I am going to try to scrape together enough free time to continue work on my Gemand campaign. Which in case you are wondering is my own campaign world in the tradition of Faerun and Oerth, but incorporating bits and pieces of anything I find interesting enough. And not just fantasy either. I have stol . . . err borrowed from sci-fi, contemporary fiction, history, and anything else I can get my hands on. Anyway, the core area is pretty much ready, I just need to get my thoughts into an organized form for playing purposes. Some of the work has already been done, but it was on my laptop.

Oh, speaking of my laptop, it is supposed to be back tomorrow. Of course this is the third Tuesday I was told it would be back, so I am going to wait and see before I get too excited. Especially as I may end up working second shift tomorrow. Bleah!

But I do hope it is back. I would also like to finish working on the furc adventure people (well one person anyway)have been clamoring for.
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