
Oct 07, 2012 00:31

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Comments 44

fatfred October 7 2012, 00:36:05 UTC

I don't think the little lizard/squirrel guy has ever seen anything like Martha before!


carmy_w October 7 2012, 01:11:14 UTC
He looks like he's in LOVE! LOL!


elynne October 7 2012, 01:21:43 UTC
He looks like he's about to ask her out... and then Martha will smack him with her handbag. XD


carmy_w October 7 2012, 04:42:47 UTC
Yes! Poor thing! LOL!


mayanas October 7 2012, 00:45:32 UTC
I love this. Little critters everywhere!


lukerya October 7 2012, 00:45:58 UTC
I needed a moment to make sure which one is Martha. The recycling bag says "Martha" to me. And the lady with three fingers and a pet lizard? Definitely a fantasy world.


pickledginger October 7 2012, 01:11:40 UTC
I was thinking Martha was the reptiloid with the recycling bag ...

... until the image finished loading, and there was MARTHA, patron goddess of the perilously peeved, whom that poor little squirrelizard is attempting to placate.

(Beware the wrath of the sensibly shod!)


archangelbeth October 7 2012, 03:03:37 UTC
patron goddess of the perilously peeved

Oooo, I like it!


pickledginger October 7 2012, 03:14:17 UTC
*takes a bow*
She is scary -- I would not want to get in the way of her wrath!

Hey, think we should start a Sisterhood of the Sensibly Shod?


(The comment has been removed)

emsporter October 7 2012, 02:14:02 UTC
Precisely what I was thinking!!


keleri October 7 2012, 01:44:43 UTC
Another Damn Fantasy World sounds like a novel I would absolutely read.


killiara October 7 2012, 05:59:58 UTC
Ooh, me too! With a protagonist that's so DONE with it, but keeps getting pulled in to the point that she wears one of those bracelets woven of 100 feet of parachute line in case of emergencies and carries a leatherman in her purse. And always wears practical shoes.


mizkit October 7 2012, 12:14:32 UTC I really want to /write/ that. *laughs*


marielaf October 7 2012, 15:13:45 UTC
THIS! Definitely this!


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