Gingerbread Latte FTW

Nov 11, 2008 21:35

I could NOT stop sneezing today! It was generally bad times...
I've had this cold thing for a couple of weeks now, and it is really annoying because it hasn't properly developed into a full-blown cold cold, with the feeling awful and days off school type symptoms, which although would be horrid and unfortunate, would at least mean there would be an END to all the sniffing!

Went for coffee after school with L and J, we bullied J into staying even though he was all, "I don't wanna cycle in the dark! AND I have a football match!" But, he's a pushover, so we talked him into it. *Grins*
I was very happy because Starbucks has brought in their Christmas range! So its syrupy coffee and red takeaway cups from now until some time next year around Easter time when they finally stop serving them. I'm not complaining!

I read through L's Personal Statement, and somewhat ripped it to pieces (figuratively, of course) with my pencil. I could get into this teaching lark, I think, perhaps it would be a good idea to consider it as a future career option...

Panto rehearsal tomorrow, oh dear!

school, future, ill, coffee

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