I told you I'd post again :D

Nov 10, 2008 22:36

Went to Open Evening today. It was weird to speak to people who were only just making that decision as to what they are going to do at Sixth Form. it makes me feel strangely old.
And I got a lift home with J, which was nice :)  I'm not sure why, but I really like car journeys when J's driving... (Actually I DO know why, but that's by the by :P ) Except I had to text his mum, and I'm one of those people who insists on using proper grammar and spelling when I text, and as well as that, using someone else's phone always makes me text REALLY SLOWLY, so I had J going, HOW have you not finished writing that yet?! when all I was asked to write was, "Just leaving now, see you soon x".
Oh well...

Also developed a new theory today, I'll just outline the facts, and conclusions cam be drawn any way they need to be.
T is having problems with her long-term relationship at the moment. I say long-term, I mean long-term. It's at least 3 years, which, seeing as she isn't even 18 yet, is a bloody long time!
She phoned me up on Friday, "Just to chat". Note, She has never done this before. 
This morning, she wasn't in. I asked B if he knew where she was (seeing as he's her boyf and all) and he said that she felt ill this morning and she'd be in later.
This isn't the only morning shes had off recently.
Apparently, this sickness is caused by "stress". Hmmm, I'm sure...

10/1/09 ETA: Actually, it hasn't been 3 years... More like a year and a half...

school, theories, life

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