the back of your head is flat, Japan!

Sep 30, 2003 13:06

Alright, folks, settle down, calm your women and livestock, I got the coat. For $5. God bless Ebay. The problem being that while I was getting the coat, I noticed a lot of other cool stuff that happened to be a tad more expensive. God damn Ebay. Oh well.

So I read somewhere that Clive Owen is going to be the next Bond, which made me kind of sad, because it means I'll have to stop respecting Clive Owen... I saw him in Second Sight and that was good, but there's something about the Bond franchise that just bothers me because it's really, utterly pointless. I mean, I don't mind mysogynistic, imperious characters in a movie as long as there's a reason for them to be there, some greater lesson or moral or plot or something, but if all they're going to do is get the girl, screw the girl, spew bon mots at the girl and move on then thanks, I'll pass, and any self-respecting actor would I hope feel the same way, regardless of the whole 'there's money jobs and there's art jobs' ethic that seems to be dominant in the movie business right now. And yes, I realize, I have been guilty of going to and perhaps even enjoying Bond films in the past, but damnit that was only because Michelle Yeoh could have kicked his puny ass at any moment and she was clearly only toying with him. Also, K.D. Lang did the badass ending theme.
... but I digress. The point here is that no one should act in Bond movies. Ever. Grr.

On the other hand, since some of y'all actually know who B'z are, did anyone see that video for the vocalist's single... 'K.I.', was it? There's one shot that's actually a pastiche of several shots of him in different outfits, and while I have a mildly festering hatred for B'z and all of their works I still thought, 'Damn.' For female artists there's always been a certain clothes-horse facet to music videos- it's as if there's a rule somewhere that states 'Thou must wear at least three different outfits.' But guys tend to be wearing the same thing always. But there was that B'z vocalist, clotheshorse-ing away, staring straight at the camera, and it was kind of sexy.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, 'Am I a freak for thinking that guys who play dress-up are hot?'
... don't feel the need to oblige this one with an answer. Sorry.

I'm a little hopped up on coffee and the thrill of having finally finished my study leave paperwork, so I'm a little overtalkative. I think my coworkers are just glad I stopped talking to them. ;;

feminism, work, movies, lust

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