Feb 11, 2007 15:52
What can I say? It was my first time working out alone, I didn't even get to do most of my routine, and yet here I am. Three days later. And my arms hurt if I move them. I also burnt my left index finger, so I can't crochet, which makes me pretty much useless right now. I'll use the time to read or something; since I've got a huge backlog of books from Christmas to read, starting with Anthony Bourdain's Les Halles Cookbook, which is the usual foul-mouthed, chest-beating stuff. I also picked up The Second Stage by the fabulous Ms. Friedan, so bring on the sisterhood. I would have preferred Backlash or The Feminine Mystique, but Twice Sold didn't have either of those in stock. WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?!>
I'm slooowly plotting out these terraced, raised beds for vegetables in the back yard, now that the landlord said it's okay. I don't really know how I'm going to build them yet, so suggestions are welcome. (Donations of physical labor next weekend or after? Even more welcome. Srsly, I'll make you a tasty dinner or give you my first-born or something.) Keep imagining drama where there is none; I am lucky in this.
I feel like I haven't had a good latte in weeks. I don't know why this is, aside from the distinct possibility that people burn their damn coffee beans when they see me walking in the door.