This is the point where I really need to say 'WTF, over?'

Jun 19, 2010 04:40

(warning, sexual abuse trigger, child abuse trigger))

I posted this on my facebook yesterday because I felt it important and I needed to get the message out. Important enough, and bad/sickening/horrifying enough that I'm posting it here as well ( Read more... )

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mistressnaoko June 19 2010, 14:19:08 UTC
WTF. WTF. There are no words to describe this, really.

And I thought male circumcision was bad. This... this...


darkenna June 19 2010, 22:02:23 UTC
Out of curiosity, why do you think that male circumcision is bad?


mephron June 19 2010, 22:09:15 UTC
As a man, I'd like to just say I'd have liked a choice - or a medical reason - for the alteration. I mean, they had to ask permission to rip an organ out of me, and it would have been nice to be old enough to answer affirmatively or negatively about my wang getting altered.

(the organ in question was the gall bladder, and I had severe gallstones that cused me much pain, but still. they needed my permission.)


darkenna June 20 2010, 22:44:00 UTC
Well, there initially was a very valid medical reason for the circumcision tradition (like most Hebrew traditions & Kosher laws, like not mixing fabrics or eating pork). I, personally, feel that just because we now know a ton about what causes things like bacterial infections (or allergic reactions or trichinosis), it doesn't invalidate the traditions created by them. I may not follow said traditions, but I do understand them ( ... )


On topic, but slightly askew... darkenna June 20 2010, 22:52:22 UTC
I wonder, if a small surgical procedure suddenly became available for girls that would keep women from ever getting yeast infections (which, just like the infections that can fester under the foreskin, are usually caused by a combination of cleanliness levels and diet) and did not affect their... umm, abilities to perform and be fulfilled as women, but it was highly traumatic to perform on adults while not so on infants, would it be subject to the same sort of general backlash that circumcision seems to be receiving these days?

Note: This is entirely hypothetical. I know of no such procedure. However, I do know several women who would happily undergo it anyway, traumatic or not; so if such a thing does exist, please let me know.


mistressnaoko June 20 2010, 02:36:02 UTC
Ah I should have made it clearer.

I don't think it's bad, but I have heard a lot of people complaining about how the male circumcision was done against their will/without their knowledge. Similar to what happened here.

Except the repercussions of this one is... huge.


darkenna June 20 2010, 22:27:11 UTC
Well, you can add me to the (short?) list of non-complainers.


mistressnaoko June 21 2010, 00:57:16 UTC
Ah yay!

I come from a country where male circumcision is a religious matter, so the outcry over it is surprising. But female circumcision on the other hand... >>


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