This is the point where I really need to say 'WTF, over?'

Jun 19, 2010 04:40

(warning, sexual abuse trigger, child abuse trigger))

I posted this on my facebook yesterday because I felt it important and I needed to get the message out. Important enough, and bad/sickening/horrifying enough that I'm posting it here as well.

And in all honesty, there are so many layers of WTF, I can't even begin to count them. What adult makes the judgement that a child's sexual organs are big enough, too big, or that they won't grow into them in time? WHY are we performing sexual mutilations on children? Why is an adult touching a 5 year old in a sensitive, sexual place with a vibratory device and not being arrested for as a pedophile? What... so may questions come bubbling out of my horrified brain that I can't type fast enough.

NO people. Just - hell. Just NO.
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