I wanted to wait until at least after Saturday to post a more complete list of the issues after I'd either be able to attend or read the results of
auros's political gathering. But this is just so unbelievable to me that I felt the desire to post now.
What prop 8 does: removes/revokes the right for same sex couples to marry. Marriage between same-
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As seen here, No on 8 has had more contributions from out of state than Yes on 8 has, both in raw dollars and as a percentage of their total donations.
Also, recent polling suggests that the supporters of 8 are not "so much of a minority." This state is large, and while we live in a highly liberal part, many parts are not. Current polls and trends on 8 can be seen here.
I, too, am very, very firmly No on 8. I don't think out of state money should be allowed in for use by campaigns of state law, but I recognize that this has huge national attention. But, I don't think that drawing one side out for having out of state money is fair in this case, and the votes on this one are, I think, going to be a lot closer than people in the SFBA think.
I can't believe that people have been supporting it at all. The comments I've seen in online newspapers just make them come off as nutjobs.
It's not about how stupid the supporters sound.
The arguments aren't rational, that's why it sounds "stupid."
This is very much an emotional, brain disengaged issue.
If this passes I'm gonna start a petition to abolish all legal marriages. Civil unions for everyone!
This is one of those topics where nutjobbery unfortunately does not deter people from supporting it, but makes them all band together. I've noticed that right-wingers don't seem to care that much if the crazies in their group make them look bad. There's no way for someone to argue in favor of this proposition without looking bigoted and hateful, but since the people they're preaching to are bigoted and hateful, they can't see how bad it makes them look. Besides, they're the righteous, they don't care what those of us who do not agree with them think.
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