I wanted to wait until at least after Saturday to post a more complete list of the issues after I'd either be able to attend or read the results of
auros's political gathering. But this is just so unbelievable to me that I felt the desire to post now.
What prop 8 does: removes/revokes the right for same sex couples to marry. Marriage between same-gender couples is already allowed by the California constitution and reaffirmed by the California Supreme court. Let me make this clear: this proposition takes away rights from ALL California residents. It does not protect anything.
Prop 8 is heavily funded from outside of California:
Knights of Columbus, New Haven, CT $1,425,000
John Templeton, Bryn Mawr, PA
John Templeton Foundation, Chairman/President
National Organization for Marriage,
Princeton, NJ
American Family Association, Tupelo, MS
Elsa Prince, Holland, MI
Focus On the Family, Colorado Springs, CO
Concerned Women for America, Washington DC
But what really boggled me was that now the official backers are
telling businesses that publicly opposed the proposition that they will be published for doing so. Do the backers truly not realize that they are so much of a minority that they have to resort to funds outside of California to be heard? There is another list out there for companies that publicly support prop 8, but it is not via the NoOn8 campaign. Can you imagine the embarrassment of the prop 8 backers if their potential boycott list is so much bigger than the one for companies supporting prop 8?
I am married. I am married to someone of the opposite sex. I oppose prop 8. Supporters are not protecting my marriage.
[edit] From
http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_10806730Contributions to ProtectMarriage.com
Total Jan. 1 - Oct. 18: $27,931,045
Contributions Oct. 1 - Oct. 18: $2,436,346
Number of donations: 5,784
Average Donation Amount: $818
Share of Donations from Outside California: 12 percent
Large Donations ($1,000+) since Oct. 18: $871,396
Contributions to Equality California (noonprop8.com)
Total since Jan. 1 - Oct. 18: $26,683,255
Contributions Oct. 1 - Oct. 18: $10,763,600
Number of Donations: 17,006
Average Donation Amount: $593
Share of Donations from Outside California: 21 percent
Large Donations ($1,000+) since Oct. 18: $3,229,628