So I was walking through the mall on the way to work today and they were playing the X-Fiels theme song. This makes me unspeakably happy. Not a whole lot to say today, as I need to finish the shipment for the main office. If only the clients could realize the importance of me doing so and actually getting ahold of me to let me know what is completed and what isn't. Blasted clients.
Hg... Mercury
You scored 76 Mass, 37 Electronegativity, 54 Metal, and 20 Radioactivity!
Quicksilver. You are a contradiction in terms and the largest most grave flaw in this classification scheme... you defy all expectations because, while your interactions with things should be marked by intransigence, inflexibility, and singlemindedness, you manage to slip through and engulf problems and concepts with an impossibly fluid grace. You are an unknown quantity, and one that subsumes others and forces them to reexamine their entire paradigm. Okay, I'm just throwing out grandiose sentences now because I can't rationalize where mercury falls in this scheme... be proud though... its awesome.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on Mass
You scored higher than 67% on Electroneg
You scored higher than 52% on Metal
You scored higher than 77% on Radioactivity
The Which Chemical Element Am I Test written by
effataigus on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test