[At first, all that's seen is the face of a crow, staring at the screen and judging it harshly, like it did wronged the bird somehow and the poor journal has no idea what is going on. Abruptly, the bird is pushed away, giving an indignant caw, and Dave appears.]
Anybody got bird control?
[He tilts the camera to have a look at his room. It has a
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It's Jade.
She's laughing at him.
She tries to say something to the communicator but it doesn't really turn out well because she can't stop. So instead she switches to text momentarily. ]
this is just waaaay too funny dave!!
its like they all love you
they love you so much!
maybe they want to marry you ;)
[ There's a pause of text as she laughs at her own horrible joke. Eventually she switches back to video. ]
You have soooo many crow wives.
They'll have to get in line for marriage rights. Not to mention get passed Bro. He's like the dragon guarding the prince in the tower in some weird fairytale.
Does that mean all the crows are fearless knights trying to save their beautiful princess?
Nah, they're the dipshits that tried to face the dragon head on instead of bein' sneaky about it.
But if they don't slay the dragon, how will they get you out?
Guess I'll be stuck until they figure somethin' out. Not too bad since I'll probably be sleepin' or tryin' to do somethin' productive.
And that is why they should slay the dragon like true heroes! And then sweep you off your feet. [ She nods while speaking, like it is written fact. ]
That has yet to happen. Any of that. [Good luck trying to sweep a Strider off his feet.]
Well then those crows need to get crackin'! [ Obviously it is the stiders that do all the wooing.
Not!!! You are all such dorks! Now Jade is laughing again good job. ]
Can't blame 'em for bein' crackerheads, Harley. It's what rots their brains.
[ Ignore all you want Dave, she will just keep laughing. ]
[Forever ignoring. He's not going to kill himself over a motherfucking bird.]
[ Hahaha. She cracks herself up sometimes. ]
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