A Tale

Aug 22, 2004 14:11

Here is an enjoyable tale for all of the ages.

I had this boyfriend, we wont say names...because most know who he is. So about a week ago he asked me the big question, ring and all. Friday rolls around...he gets some girl to get on his phone and break up with me for him. I put 5 months and almost 3 weeks of effort into this bullshit charade.

I could be a psycho bitch whore, like the girl called me and put some dirty little secrets here, but that could jeopordize his reputation, and you know he needs that.

The funny thing about this, is I never shed a single tear from the break up, I guess I'm sorta happy, because I dont have to worry about anything anymore. I had to quit smoking for him, YEAH THAT LASTED A WEEK. Oh yeah I guess I neglected to mention that I fucking lied. It's cool though, he did it too. Now I can dye my hair whatever color I want, well next summer I can. Best of all, no highschool mind games.

He told me he just wanted to take a break at 1st, and he would still call me....if he did I wouldn't answer. He's free to be a man slut, or whatever else he does.

I hear he has a hot little brunette, or black haired girl. He already found someone new the next day, that's fucking amazing dude....hahahahaha.

I really do hope he's happy though, he was a great guy, and hopefully someday he'd be willing to be my friend, that would be cool. I'm gonna go back to the way I used to be and hate everything, and be mean to everyone....I guess I'll also be single for another year or so, I should try to be more picky next time, it will work out way better.

Now I'm off to smoke a fucking ciggarette....AND LOVE IT.
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