Nov 03, 2005 22:56
Not a lot has been going on recently. Yesturday Jessie, Rach, Katie and I all went to canton for a few hours so my dad could check out everyone again. It was fun. I guess you have to understand what my dad does that would make that experience fun. My mom took us out to applebee's. i love applebees. The waiter was fun. Jessie asked him his opinion on the shimp scampi and he looks at her and straight face says if you like eating giant underwater insects go for it I was told its good. It was pretty funny. Dinner itself was really enjoyable along with the car ride home. I really like this group of friends that i have. They are very strong. they dont put up with any crap. I hope they help me out in not taking back certain people over and over again. I'm not saying that my friends from home arent strong but they arent here all the time to remind me to be strong and not to full for the same bull shit!
Anyways now that I'm done being random today was wonderful. It was so beautiful outside. If only all of winter could be like that. I'm not much for cold weather. I went to orgo and found out even with the curve I'm pretty much going to fail unless i do amazing on the next two exams. So everyone cross your fingers. I had lab with Jay. That was horriable. It took sooooo long. Jay also thinks that the lab TA likes me. If that is true I might just cry. That guy is such an ass. After that i went shopping. I got a new pair of shoes. Something very differnt from what i usually get. They dont have heels!! I wore them tonight and i was like omg i feel so short. As long as i can remember my shoes always have heels. When i was dating lance for the first time in 10th grade he invited me over to his house and i took off my shoes and gave him a hug and he pulls away and looks at me and goes OMG your short! So today when i went and saw brad for dinner i felt so tiny standing next to him. Like I said I went and had dinner with brad and jason. Brad was sick so he had this huge stick up his ass all evening. I was slightly annoyed by that. Usually I'm very sympathtic of people when they are sick and i want to take care of them but today brad just was making me crazy so that side of me didnt take over. I had to go retake my BT for CSE i got done in like 30 mins so it wasnt bad at all. Now I'm at work.
In case any of you 3 read this i want you to know I got an IM on my yahoo account from some guy saying that Ashley, Jessie (I'm assuming jessie craven) and Kirsten all told this guy I put out very easly. If this guy ever talks to me instead of leaving me a message and explains himself and just what the 3 of you said I will have no problem confronting you. After we stopped being friends I never went around spreading rummors and running your name through mud even if I do have some really good dirt on all of you. The only time i might say something is when i'm telling a story that involed you cause all 3 of you are part of my history. For all of your information even if it isnt your business I havent sex in well over month. I havent kissed a guy in weeks. I dont go to parties to get drunk and make out with who ever i find. So Dont go around telling people that I'm easy. I know all 3 of you know me better then that. If this is some joke and the 3 of you are innocent I'm sorry in advanced but if i talk to this guy and find out other wise I will be confronting you.