Oct 07, 2005 17:02
Yeah... work lately has been some sort of mad rush to get things done, and plenty of obstacles coming up to block my progress. Take today for instance.. nothing was working all day until about 4:30 PM. Seriously. Yesterday was thankfully very productive, and perhaps the most productive day of the week.. though I did end up staying late to finish stuff.
I don't really want to talk about work though.. because none of you really care, and I don't really want to read about it later, myself. So let's talk about something else, shall we? Problem is, I'm feeling pretty uncreative right now since I'm all strung out from work. So, why don't you write me a quick little story involving the following items I can see in my immediate area:
-A Can of Tuna
-Someone named Jared
-Marshmallow Fluff
-A Jawa (those little midget guys in brown robes from Star Wars that go, "Yeeeding-ding!"
-The office Water Cooler
-A Gas Pump
-A small collection of comic books
-"The CEO"
okay..... and go! Keep in mind this story doesn't have to happen here at Turbine, nor doe sit have to reference these actual objects.. for instance it doesn't have to be the CEO of Turbine. Use your imagination.