So here I am.. at work... waiting for my game client to build... yup. That's just the way it is sometimes.. make some changes, save, let it build. So, I already checked IGN for my latest game news.. and nothing interesting there.. no details on why
Madden 2006 for Xbox 360 looks so drastically crappy compared to what they showed off originally. No
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So Sony makes mass-market chintz that has a tendency to break. Lot's of people do that. Microsoft is basically forcing people to buy yet another system in 3 years rather then 5 or 6. So it's six of one and half dozen of another types of cheap ploys for my hard-earned dollar.
You're talking to the wrong person about 'market share', I think Apple has negitive market share at this point. If Sony sticks to there promised specs then yes, it will be a more powerful system and that's not the point. The point is backwards compatability and blu-ray. The same things that made the PS2 the winner last time, new technology easily available and a back catalog. How is having the same controller design a bad thing? You don't fix what ain't broken.
So, I can only afford one system, I'm gonna buy the best I can get. It's not system loyalty, I had an NES and a Genesis, I loved the Dreamcast but Sega doesn't make hardware anymore. I respect Nintendo. Sony is just a company, and Microsoft is the spawn of Satan so ... what? I have my scruples.
I know you hate Macs. The whole fucking world knows by know. What you want, a medal? Kiss my commie liberal, tree hugging ass. I've got Shadow of the Collosus on reserve and Target's sneak released Katamari 2 early. *biiiidai*
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