
Aug 14, 2009 10:02

So life has been a little more pleasant.  lol Im now dating someone I wasnt sure I ever would...not becuz I didnt like him, just becuz I never thought Id give into my feelings.  But one day I realized I couldnt live without him and that changed everything.  Frank Bredt and I are together and very very happy.  Hasnt ever been a month yet (5 more days), but Ive never felt this before.  Its so normal feeling, so right.  He has always treated me with respect and with so much love, its more so now.  When we kiss its just so amazing feeling.  Never thought it would come to this point, but now I never want to let him go.  We are truly great together.  I trust him so much and he trusts me, so thats absolutely great.  We are both jealous and stubborn people (both Taurus), but we talk about anything that might bother us so thats good.  Sex is great :0X  tee hee...

Been hanging with Mikey and Tina alot, which is awesome.  Been getting out of the house way more, hanging with Mom and Buba a good amout of time too.  Might have an apartment by October 1st over on Norris, so thats great.  Love my Grams, but we CAN NOT live together any longer lol.  Miss my Popa everyday, cant believe hes gone (departed this life May 4, "planted" him on my b-day, that sucked ass).  Things just seem to be getting a better, which I am so grateful for.  Havent felt like this in so long.

Still working on trying to get my money back from Brian, but he keeps slacking.  Now hes laied off for 2 weeks, so thats more time...getting really frustrated with this whole situation.  Soon thou, soon.  Jim ended up moving in with him.  They got a new kitty named Larry (Max passed away).  Their house smelled the last time I was there. LMAO

Idk.  Just a little update for now.
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