I didn't take as many pics on the 20th, so I can share all the good ones, even though they are exceptionally random. Here's a big green tree lizard--another species of anole Anolis leachii.
Some cultivated flowers growing by the house.
And a wild one growing in a nearby garden bed. Clearly in the Aster family, but beyond that I'm stumped.
Another green tree lizard, this one making better use of the local camouflage.
And now for something completely different, a Saturday trip down to the market in town (St. Johns).
Everyone tried some fresh coconut water, prepared by a man deftly wielding a huge knife.
This is the inside part of the market.
This is a variation on the Calvin car sticker I hadn't seen before. Baffling.
Back at the house, a mystery moth poses on a chair cushion.