
Mar 25, 2012 16:27

Not too long ago there was this meme/trend on LJ and the rest of the internet but especially LJ about calling people out about "Privilege." I didn't really get it--I mean I kind of got it--I know that first worlders, North Americans, white people, middle class people, men, basically anyone who looks like/is descended from the people who hold most of the power in the world have an easier time in life, in general. I mean, I get that. But I didn't get what I was supposed to do about it. And most of those memes were so humorless and mean mean spirited that even a lefty bleeding heart sensitive white guy like myself felt pretty put off by it all.

Anyway, I've spent the last hour reading yoisthisracist.com and I feel like it carries the message(s) a little better, and I highly recommend reading it, whether or not you are racist.

Anonymous asked: Is it racist that i think we should have a white history month along with hispanic/black & asian-pacific? i think its fair.

Oh, word, that’s a great idea. You could take the opportunity to study American and European History, read some White authors, and maybe even discuss the works of some White philosophers. It’s a shame that that shit gets ignored the rest of the year, YOU FUCKING RACIST IDIOT.

Anonymous asked: Two White ladies stated that White people are facing the same struggles that African American people faced 40 years ago adding that a "race war" was starting. I know it's racist but as a POC sitting there listening to it, I really need a pick me up. Comments?

Yo, I don’t know, I think as a person who knows right from wrong, you should have protected them from that firehose, rather than writing in to me about it.

Anonymous asked: I've always been taught not to see color or race. I've never understood why our institutions of learning divide us by culture and race. History of America from an African perspective. History in America from a Mexican perspective. Entrance into college based on racial quotas. End all this crap right now. Quit dividing us.

Yo, I know you’re mad stupid and whatnot, but you do understand that “not seeing race” is really only something that you have the luxury of doing if you’re White, right? The rest of us get race seen upon us all the goddamn time.

Anonymous asked: Wait, is the word uppity racist??

Yeah, that’s some shit that’s excusively used by racists.


So yeah, that's a bit more my speed, yo.

p.s. I can't stop reading (on another browser tag)!!!

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