
Jun 04, 2009 07:27

I'm writing this from the floor of Ronald Reagan National Airport. Don't ask me why I thought it would be a good idea to fly to san francisco at 5am (necessitating either an expensive 3am cab ride or a 5-hr stay in the airport to be able to use public transport before it closes) by way of charlotte, sc and a 30-minute layover. Ruuuuuuun Forrest, ruuuuuuuuun. Clearly I was not thinking. Anyway here I am.

I noticed the other day that my last entry was from a really long time ago. An insanely busy semester along with lack of internet at home and a long commute to campus every day made it almost impossible to write. I say almost impossible because I suppose I could somehow have found time, but let's be honest: facing the choice of sleeping in my nice soft warm bed or updating my blog, I'll pick sleep 9 times out of 10.

The spring semester went really well. I enjoyed my classes and got good grades. It was a hell of a lot of worl though. I'm proud of what I have to show for all the time and energy I invested, so hooray for grad school.

I'm excited to go visit Clip this weekend, but I wish I were in better shape. Oh well.

I'm not looking forward to having to make important life decisions soon, in contrast. Still don't know where I want to be. I'm sure the pieces will fall into place the way they always do, but it's getting harder to avoid or calm the mini panic attacks I get any time I think about the future.

Man this floor is hard. I think I'm gonna try to sleep on it anyway tho. Nice and clean. Awesome. On the other hand, if I get swine flu I won't have to go to work. Hmmm. Iiiinteresting.

Ok, I'll try to write again before class starts again in July.
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