Annoying Animal Horns

Aug 31, 2007 10:57

Last night I watched "Pathfinder" with some friends. For those who don't recognize the name, you aren't alone; when I found out the basic premise of the film was "viking boy gets raised by a native american tribe and has to fight off his own people when they return", I thought "wasn't that released under a different name?" Sort of... the full title in the US was "Pathfinder: Legend of the Ghost Warrior".

I think I know why they wanted to trick people into thinking it was a different movie.

There are a lot of things wrong with the movie, not only on the narrative level, but on the basic technical level. This film uses that annoying new editing/cinematography technique of showing everything up close and in short cuts from multiple angles, so that you don't know what's going on, and so that maybe you'll mistake the rapid cuts for excitement. I have the feeling this editing technique was also used to cover up continuity errors (people being dirty in one shot, clean in the next, or characters suddenly disappearing from the scene.)

My friends suggested a drinking game: count the number of seconds before the next jump cut, and if it's more than five, you take a drink. Unfortunately, you'd be pretty sober by the end of the film.

I was going to complain about the plot, theme, and miscellaneous details, too, but really, if you know the filmmakers can't be bothered to film it and edit it right, why worry about the content?

reviews, movies

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