I'm baaaaack

Oct 19, 2014 13:29

Is this on?

Thanks to a deeply moving LJ posting by a friend (you know who you are) I've decided to start hanging around here again. The long-form format suits me better than That Other Place, to say nothing of their inecessant screwing around with privacy and functionalty in the name of more revenue.

So. Whats new? Most of the people who read this will know by now that I'm living happily in SF with my partner of two-and-a-half years, Pierre. There was a break-up, a new boyfriend, a year of unemployment, a health scare (unfortunately coincident with that year of unemployment) and a new job that I'm not thrilled about, but hey, their checks clear.

Pierre doesn't have an LJ account, but he's very active elsewhere on the Internet. He's now the director of nursing at Magnet, which is a pretty damned prestigious position. I'm incredibly proud of him.

And he's abandoned me. Well, temporarily. As we speak he's in mid-air on the way to the east coast to visit his best friend, who left SF to pursue a nursing degree. He'll be back next Saturday. It'll be the first time that we'll be separated for more than a couple of day since 2012, early in our relationship. I miss him already.

So what's new with you?
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