But then, any day spent in the garden tends to be a good one. I had today off so the pups and I went out to the backyard this morning at 10 and are just now finished. Got a ton of things done and with another couple days out there I should have it just about done. :-)
The pump in the fish pond wasn't working so I pulled it apart this morning and cleaned it out... chock a block full of old leaves and muck. It's purring like a charm now and I got the waterfall going. You should see all the birds in the yard once that was up and running. I could work all day to the sound of bird-song.
Here is a pic of Keira in front of the pond.
I spent about an hour pulling maple keys that had sprouted. Got about 3/4 of the gardens done. I'll finish the rest through the coming week as time allows. I can't believe how far along all the plants are this year compared to this time last year. Last year we still had a foot or more of snow on the ground and this year I have plants blooming up a storm. Amazing. And on that note... I broke the #1 rule for Ontario gardeners... I planted seeds before the May 24th weekend. Yup, the last two years I waited till the end of may to plant my radish seeds and it got too hot too soon and they ended up bolting and not giving me any radishes. So, I plantd the seeds this morning and am keeping my fingers crossed.
I'll wait another week or two before putting my tomatoe seedlings and others, but, with each warm sunny day, it is getting more and more difficult. :-)
Going to see the movie 'Wolverine' tonight. Can't wait. He was always one of my fav X-Men. All that hair and muscle. :-)
Well, goona go for now, walk the pups and then catch up on all my email and such.
Hugs and Brightest Blessing to each and every one of you.
XOXOXO Hope you're enjoying your day.