Aim log: Gen's children are born! Angeal is a godfather!

May 04, 2010 16:50

Genesis: There is a serene aura about this crimson ex-general, as he excitedly latched unto Angeal’s arm, guiding him down the fluorescent-lighted hall of the hospital wing. Nurses and doctors passed by with notice of the two, but were wisely silent in saying anything about it - Genesis wasn’t someone to be messed with, and even so now that he has kids.

“They are the most precious little angels you will ever see, Angeal…” he went on, for the tenth time today, apparently. It’s been days, and he was still excited over them. He vaguely wondered how they’d be when they were a little older. Patients and waiting families cast the duo a curious look upon entering another pocket of the hall, before Genesis continued on to an appointed doctor, bowing gently.

“Good day, doctor.” he greeted en point, remembering to loosen his arm from Angeal’s. “Is Kas here today?” Kassandra was their specialist doctor, in cognitive psychology..
The well-known doctor shook his head, giving a knowing smile. “Not today. She was assigned another isle, for the rest of the day. Would you like to see them?”
Genesis didn’t even have to nod, before he tugged on Angeal’s elbow, heading towards a reinforced door, the lighting on the other side dim and barely audible.
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