A couple of aim logs, somewhat lacking in 4th wall....

Mar 16, 2010 13:04

Tana: Say hi, Ein...and I understand you have a few things to ask of Angeal...

Ein: Yeah, hey...*mock-salutes*...I'm not exactly your average burly lumberjack, but I'm tough enough to take anything.

Angeal: Angeal sees Ein sulking. "...Are you alright?"

"Burly... lumberjack?" He's too confused to take offense.

Ein: He smiles, holding out his hand. "Yeah. Mundane says the personality varies from being to being, so I'm not exactly sure which mine spawns from; as scion, or human identity. Nonetheless, it's very nice to meet you for the first time. My mun's been telling me to meet you for quite some time, you know..."

Angeal: "She has. Why?" Angeal is slightly concerned.

Livi: XD In the past week, he has now been called both Barbarian and a Burly Lumberjack.

Ein: "because, from what I know...human are either very trivial, or just plain strange." Ein shrugs slightly to that.

"...I guess I'd like to learn as much about humans as much as I can. Are you full human yourself?"

Livi: lol tactless. <3

Tana: he's not a softy at all, haha. But he is perky a bit, which I like~

Angeal: "Not entirely, no. But I tend to understand them a little better than that. Sometimes they are trivial, or strange, but there is much more to them than that." Angeal unfurls his wings; the one larger one atop a smaller one. "What do you mean, a scion side of yourself?"

Ein: Lamont blinks, tracing his eyes along the length of the pristine feathers. It makes him smile, somewhat, as he reflects back on his own divine identity.

"I'd say you were half-Angel...though, there is nothing divine about you, as far as I can sense...But, I'm the same, nonetheless." his smile now touches a bit sadly now, "...A scion; the proper definition literally meaning, 'descendant of the gods'...Though, of late, and due to my brother's treason, I've been left out as well."

Angeal: "I feel parts of the lifestream," Angeal explains. "I have a connection to the others..." how to explain this? "Of my... species." A slight frown. "Your brother committed a crime, and yet you are the one to pay for it?"

Ein: Ein lets out a grunt, throwing his eyes off to stare at the wall. "...My brother: Adrammelech, the humans call him, was engaged in a thousand-year war, against his creators. Being his brother, I was not punished, but left as I am; alone...I found my way into the human world, and...here I am." It was nothing Ein was proud of telling about himself, but it was nonetheless the truth.

"...I figured, if living as and with human gives me a chance...then I just might remain and die as one." A grim thought, yes...But he didn't have a choice.

"...How does one deal with human emotions, when they often tend to hurt...Angeal? How do you endure?"

Livi: This is like... asking for a speech about honor and selflessness, you know. XDDD

Tana: Pretty much, haha...This puppy is clueless, and he thinks being emotionless is the way for humans.

Angeal: A pause, at that, as Angeal attempts to put his thoughts into words. "I rely on my honor. I do what I can to help others, and I strive to be happy with what I have achieved, every day. Life is not lived alone. There is always someone or something in need of help, even if only in little ways. There is always something to be learned. To get the most enjoyment out of life, you need to be happy with yourself. To be proud of yourself, and your actions. When I am hurt, I choose to work in the garden, or perform a rescue mission, or play with my cat. Because I feel better, knowing I have acted honorably. The time spent doing such things also tends to give things perspective.

"As for not understanding the trivial ways in which humans react, emotions are often... what make things interesting. They help people to understand one another, to wish for someone's safety or harm, when logically speaking, they would never have done so. They are a wonderful connection and an intrinsic part of human life."

Livi: Long Angeal speech is long. XDD And includes fuzzies, honor and gardening. XDDDDDD Now all we need is cheapness.

Ein: Ein blinked and stood, backing to lean against the nearby wall. Everything Angeal had mentioned was heard by him, of course... But, it made him wince in thought, trying to fit them with himself.

He came up empty-handed, of course. It was always known to him, that self-satisfaction means power, and power means happiness. Having to worry about others, and caring about their affairs was something utterly, utterly new to him.

"...from what you're saying right now...I can tell you're serious, and believe every syllable, but I'd be lying if I told you I knew about what half these things meant..." he gave Angeal a sorry look at that. "But, to be honest, I'm intrigued enough to want to learn about your beliefs...but, what gets me the most, is how feelings tend to...hurt you, so to speak. Weakness has shown itself in more than one perspective for me. Hate, anger, fear, grief....but I've never realized how much the supposed 'love' spares anyone from its shortcomings. 'Love' in itself, means the ability to care for the life of someone....right?"

Angeal: He nodded, pleased that Ein had seen some of the downsides of emotion, had learned some of what it was, to feel. Somehow, he felt as though he was talking to a teenage Seph, just out of the labs, again. Feeling was new and both Sephiroth once, and Ein now, wanted to decide if it was a good idea to let such feelings blossom within themselves. It made them that much more loveable to Angeal; that childlike hesitance, that confusion given to a element of life that came so easily to everybody else. They needed to be guarded, nurtured, taught. All the things Angeal was best at. It always seemed so endearing.

"More than to care for their life," Angeal corrected thoughtfully. "To hold it dear to your own. To love is to feel a bond. To be happier when someone is there, and to miss them, when they are not."

Ein: If it wasn't for the sheer determination behind Angeal's eyes as he'd spoken those words, Ein probably wouldn't have let those words get to him...and what did get through to him, was the fact that Angeal spoke so openly about 'love'... loving other humans? Ein wasn't sure if he had such a power in him, as he's seen how heartless most humans were.

"...even if I did believe you..." he trailed off lowly, sighing, "saying that I've 'loved' someone is hardly going to make it so. I've never had someone close enough to me to feel anything towards. Hate and disrespect, yes. Having to care for someone - a human, nonetheless...seems a bit hard to grasp."

Yes, unfortunately, Ein had a silent and seething grudge towards humans. All scions do, even, because of their level on the pyramid of hierarchy. Scions are told from the first of time, to serve and protect humans in every perspective...Undeserving and war-hungry human beings.

Angeal: If Ein knew what to look for, it was pity which flashed behind Angeal's gaze for a moment at Ein's confession to him. The color of his navy blue eyes shifted to a brighter, royal blue. "Do you like animals?"

Ein: That was a strange question to ask... It threw the blonde's guard off for a few moments, and he looked questioningly at Angeal, wondering if he should just go with it.

"... I... do like animals... Most of the zodiac is based said animals, after all... For instance, my brother and I are from the star of Capricorn."

Angeal: He smiled. "When you see the way that animals act, it is like a smaller version of human actions. Humans... tend to think things out more. But they still have a tendency to see things from a singular, or from a pack point of view. Love is what holds the pack together, what makes people see outside themselves. What is playing to the cat, remember, is painful to the mouse. Many humans do not look past themselves, do not see others unless they have learned to. But they, too, usually nurture their young. Some form strong bonds, because of which, they are willing to risk their life for another. I have seen good humans in my time. It saddens me that you have not, but I know you will meet someone you care for, eventually." A slight pause. "You must care for someone who's human?"

Ein: "...I'm living in human skin, no?" that didn't need a validation. "...Naturally, my protocol is to seek and find a mate, to whom I must share the rest of my waking days with. 'Friends' are another, entirely different ideology... The main principles of being humans, somewhat lack the virtue of spiritualism and divinity... they work and live, flesh by flesh... eating, sleeping, mating and bearing offspring... unless..."

Lamont pauses for a moment, not sure if he should continue with this at all... but, it couldn't really hurt to, right?

"...bonding with a human is... low, for other beings?"

Angeal: "It is... protocol to find a mate?" Angeal was trying hard not to laugh. "I think you should take time to understand humans more, before you find anyone who fits that description."

An uncomfortable expression from Angeal, here. "I cannot tell you what you should feel is honorable. I do not find it low to care for anyone or anything. Even the smallest flower may be loved. In regards to inter-species mating... some people have problems with it. Some don't. It depends on what you feel is right."

Ein: "I suppose you're right..." Ein entertained for a few moments, his expression distant and relieved. For a moment there, he thought he was going to get ostracized by the man.

Even if he didn't like it, Angeal was teaching him quite a few things he'd usually overlook or not even care for. As he trailed his eyes to the floor, he partly wondered if Angeal was like that because things used to be hard for him as well? Though, he shook the thoughts away, for the moment being.

"Hmm...it seems you've become an open book of human philosophy and ideology." He half-joked, but there was enough seriousness in his tone to bring the meaning across. "...I guess the best I can do right now, is observe and learn more about what I'm getting myself into. If I'm lucky enough, maybe I can even find someone I like too, just like you."

He sounded a bit childish, the way he said those last words, but then again... what did he know about human growth and experiences?

Angeal: "You did ask," Angeal answered, amused at the metaphor. "You need to know these things," he continued seriously. "Their lives are much more complicated than what you currently perceive."

Angeal nods happily at Ein's eventual decision. "I'm sure you will."
After a quick chat about formatting, we decided to change the way we were writing, for the second scene. So it doesn't match the formatting in the first scene. But it is still really funny.

Ein - *stumbles in* So, wait... I'm supposed to court with a -guy-? *the mun nods* "....right...like that'll work."

Tana - He's a bit restless, Angeal. But I'm sure he's loads of fun when he's annoyed. *grins*

Angeal - *blinks* ....You're what. *This was not the sort of introductory statement he was used to. Then again, this WAS Ein.*

Ein - ...*that's alright, big guy. This muse isn't so hot about you either. He's just staring at you like you'd attack him in broad daylight* ...what's that look for, 'pumpkin'? Seeing something that interesting?

Angeal - .....I'm not sure. WHY are you attempting to court me? *He's having a hard time, trying not to laugh at poor Ein. That was... one of the most tactless statements he has ever heard, not to mention that he is very, very confused at the whole situation.*

Ein - *he blinks, his expression drawing to a complete blank as he stares the man down. Hasn't he ever heard of sarcasm before? Ein, for a moment, thought that Angeal was trying to be just as cynical. Alright, he plays it cool-like, and fakes a smile* Why am I courting you? I...honestly have no idea. My mun - the motherqueen of misfortune, thinks that it's a good idea for me to erm...mingle with other men. What's your excuse?

Angeal - *A thoughtful expression, amused and weirded-out.* ...Apparently, being here when you showed up.

Ein - ...*a shallow nod from Ein, short of agreeing to the other man. Silently, he takes to seat himself down, running his fingers through thick blonde locks*...well, is this the part where we kiss or something fancy like that? *clueless Ein is clueless about...yeah*

Angeal - I don't... Think so. *He's looking at Ein like he's creeped out. At least he isn't edging away.* Are you... sure... that is what she meant by mingle? I... met you... yesterday.

Ein - *a raise of his eyebrow, and now he's just a bit confused*...but...isn't that how humans initiate their bonding rites? *then again, he had quite a few questions to clear up before beginning with all the 'bonding' requirements*... Well... The process of human mating requires such trivial actions, no?

Angeal - *Ein has actually succeeded in flabbergasting Angeal. He decides to answer the easy question, first.* I am not... fully human. That is generally how that starts, yes, and a lot is supposed to come... between those two events. Things like... knowing each other's names, and learning to care for each other and spending time together. Announcing one's intention to mate with another person before these things... can make things very... awkward. And disturbing.

Ein - *his confusion hit a new chord at Angeal's last sentence, and he ducked his eyes to the floor, rubbing the back of his head with an unsettled hand* ...I see ...seems I've overstepped my limits as human... *it all comes back to what Angeal was telling him yesterday, about care, emotions, linked bonds...'love'. He swore he still didn't know what the word 'love ' represented, since it was used too discreetly when addressing other. But, from what he understands so far, he begins speaking slowly* ...so ...in order to gain the supposed 'privilege' of acquiring a mate, I must contribute my emotions in cultivating a form of ...deep care, or feeling? *he thinks for a moment on that, his eyes still trained at the man*...well ...it would require me to spend more time with you, in order to gain your trust ...then again, at this moment, I can't say that I harbor a deep care for you just yet...

Angeal - *He laughs at that statement, understanding slightly better.* Let's just be friends, for now, huh? Finding a mate is... hard enough for people who know what they're doing.

Ein - ......can friends still kiss? *gets whipped by his mun* -- ow! Sorry, I was kidding, you miffy woman! *turns back to the man, smiling lightly in return* Friends sound good, for the moment being. It makes things easier for me, knowing that I don't have to rush.
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