Taught my first restorative class today.
- Constructive rest
- Setubanda supported on a bolster
- Heart Roll
- Supported Child Pose
- Cross-legged forward bend (head on a block)
- Supta Virasana supported on a bolster (or two blocks - one between scapula, one head)
- Viparita Karani
- Shavasana
Next time, I will try to mix it up a little. May be introduce the poses differently. But people actually liked it. It was good to teach it in a gym too.
I meant to say that I heard
this guy's talk and he actually has a good point. Death is
- inevitable
- you never know when it comes
- nothing stays with you. all is left behind.
That we know. But to brighten things up he says there is the Buddha, there is Non-Self. It's all nice mandala, like any idea.