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Mar 27, 2012 21:57

She came over today. Hong Kong threw her back at me. "You whiny bitch, here's your girlfriend back," it said screaming. Four days of kicking and screaming that only a brat can make did the deal for Hong Kong. And now she's back. Ever as so lovely as before.

Missing someone was always something I can never deal with gracefully. I guess I could blame my astrological sign for that? Or maybe it's just the way that I'm wired. Ironic cos being an only child, I shouldn't be needing or wanting so many people around me. Growing up alone doesn't teach you how alone or lonely really feels like. You never had a crowd to compare it to anyway. But here I am, still missing her. I think I'm blaming my astrological sign for this.

It's two hours to midnight, it's only beed about two hours she's left to go back south. Today proved to give me a number of picturesque moments. Strands of my hair covering my eyes, I see through it and I see her smile as the light of the afternoon shines on her brown eyes. I peep while we kiss, seeing her eyes closed and the way her hair frames her face. I remember the scent of her cologne on her neck, which I kissed ever so dearly from her ear, to her neck, to her nape. I remember how I held her in my arms, squeezing her tight until my muscles ached.

I remember how my pillow, and my bed, molded itself to her shape, as she dozed off for a nap, the whole time holding my hand in hers.

This girl is worth nothing less than gentle touches and quiet, stable love. In my mind and in my heart.
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