Title: A beautiful mess, part two of two.
Series: Scars of the past, complicate the future.
Pairing: Sharon and Andy.
Word count: 835
Rating: T
Summary: Sharon needs comfort.
AN: credit for the screencaps used on the banner go to
akachankami found them on her community
mc_screencaps The other chapters to this story can be found in my
( master fic list) (
part two of two )
I had a bit of a writers block so I have been writing on a different one, which I have almost finished. I'm sure that once that story is out of my head I will be able to continue on this one.
Anyway I write the old fashioned way so I have still like five more chapters to type, but they are already on paper. So lot's more to come, I'm afraid I'm one of the writers who write those multi chapter stories. ;)
So glad you're working on a fic right now, I can't wait, love everything you write!
So OF COURSE I would recommend it! Everyone should enjoy your writing, it's real good.
And of course you will get a birthday post! You've been so nice to me already from the first time I commented here on LJ, just like some of the other lovelies who already had their birthday or have birthdays coming up You've also been spoiling me with all your lovely stories, I could do at least once a year something especially for you.
I'm going to work on it later this week, first I have another birthday post to wrap up. Turns out that all you lovelies are having their birthdays within weeks of one another and I've also been very busy with my new job, so...I hope you will like it.
I will stop pestering you for more stories then too ;) LOL
It does take time to get settled in, especially when the person you are replacing has left a huge mess, lucky me!
So right now it's messing up my fangirling big time. Hope it will end soon, I need my daily dosage of MM, fanfics, great posts, vids, pics, yes I'm happy with just about anything as long as MM's involved. :)
And please don't stop pestering me, you're a welcome diversion, hon!
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