Title: A beautiful mess, part two of two.
Series: Scars of the past, complicate the future.
Pairing: Sharon and Andy.
Word count: 835
Rating: T
Summary: Sharon needs comfort.
AN: credit for the screencaps used on the banner go to
akachankami found them on her community
mc_screencaps The other chapters to this story can be found in my
( master fic list) (
part two of two )
Comments 11
So cute! I'm interested to see where you take this with Richard! Write more, write more! :-D
More Richard, more chapters will be coming up, I promise, some are already typed as well, now I will just have to find the time to post them, I'm pretty much swamped at work.
Thank you so much for continuing to read my story, I saw I've missed a few new chapters of your lovely fic, will read them the first chance I get, I don't have to work Wednesday, so first thing then...
Nope you haven't seen the last of Mr. Bradford! I enjoy writing him too much for that.
The next installment will be a sequel, so no PREQUEL yet.
Now to your birthday, of course I know your birthday is coming up how could I forget and the base for the post is already finished my dear, so I hope you won't be too disappointed that it won't be the prequel to this story.
But you know what? How about next year ;)!
Can you wait that long, or should I just see whether I can find the time sooner.
In fact I have a sequel planned for the entire series, no prequel I don't know why I only think in sequels.
One more question when will your MC fic will be updated, I hope soon! I recommended it to a friend yesterday.
And once again many many thanks for actually leaving a commnent at each chapter!
I am working on The missing Link as we speak, once I've done a chapter on that - my MC one is next! I LOVE that you recommended my writing - you made my day also :-D !
Hmmmm... I wonder what works just as well as a prequel, but you can write it in your sequel? Flashbacks! Flashbacks! Flashbacks! (only joking ;-) )
Well, at least Andy's IA file is so big, it wouldn't mind at all if he slams some sense in Richard's %}^*£~$¥\%} not being agressive here at all. Lol
Curious what will happen next!
"not being agressive here at all"
Yeah right, haha!
I'm glad you enjoyed reading!
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