Apr 18, 2011 02:06
First of all... SORRY I DISAPPEARED, GAIZ. School is a fucking monster, and I'm totally not used to having assignments due by such-and-such date and all that public-education shit.
Oh Goddddd, where do I start?
Uh. Today I went to see my Gram, and went to her church for their annual All Daughter Tea gathering. We were downstairs having cake and tea, and my Gram made a comment about domestic partnerships or something like that to a guy* and they started talking and it basically ended something on the note of, "What's the world coming to, eh?"** And then it somehow jumped to a discussion of Armageddon, and how acceptance of homosexuality is one of the "signs" or "precursors" to it or something. And all the other "signs."
... I had THE hardest time not opening my mouth and saying something. What I wanted to say was, "Funny. I don't remember there being a FIFTH Horseman of the Apocalypse named Homosexuality :|" Of course, I would have settled with paraphrasing Matthew 7:1 and saying, "Judge not, lest ye be judged the same."
Anyway, I'm suddenly reminded of why I hate churches.
Also, my mother keeps trying to tell me how wrong I am in my thinking (about homosexuality), but I reeeally don't fucking care. I have my own opinion of what certain "condemnations" in the Bible are about, and she has her's. I think I'm not as much of a literalist as she is when it comes to the Bible; I think interpretation is necessary for some things. Plus, I think some things have been mistranslated, which isn't exactly a radical idea. Mistranslations happen all the time, and sometimes the closest equivalent of a word still doesn't express exactly what the original word really means.
Sorry. I just needed to rant.
Seriously, though, one of these days I'm going to dissect and study every passage of the Bible and write a huge-ass argument about why homosexuality is not condemned by God, and why it is no more a sin than heterosexuality.
*(*gasp* What was a guy doing at the All Daughter Tea?! :O)
**(IIRC; I could barely hear, so my version of events might be sliiightly inaccurate)