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Mar 26, 2006 12:30

soooo i just got home from florida

really uu think florida nd ur like fuck yes so much better than new york ur lucky but i really wish i never had to make this trip

it wasnt like a vacation or n e thing my nana's not doing well...i mean she is 92 but shes always been so healthy nd uu feel like she cud never die but after this visit i just dont kno..

shes in a nursing home now which is pretty depressing she seemed ok but uu just get a feeling about certain things. i hate being so far away i never kno wen its the last time i will see her...this time mayve been the last time i see me nana nd idk if i can handle it
i already went through this with my grandpa nd it just sucks that i cant visit her everyday nd see how shes doing nd try and make her feel better

so i again held in every emotion i had while i was there broke down once but thats it nd here im just a mess...idk how ill do my english project or do n e thing it just makes me think uu neever kno wen its going to be ur last day here how stupid dum fights about nuthing are...i mean i learn something everytime something like this happens it makes me wanna swallow up my pride nd go to barry nd b like y r we fighting y dont we talk its so dum nd i think i will do that...he probably wont wanna be friends nd ill be fine with that but i dont wanna hate eachother n e more

i feel like everything always crashes down at once nd i hate that i cant control wuts going on...its the hardest thing to do wen uu watch someone drift away from uu nd u cant stop it

i just needed to vent nd tell my feelings cuz i just cant to n e one i cant speak about it ...ill be smiling but i just really want to break down nd cry
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