In The Eye of The Beholder (Damon/Elena)

Feb 05, 2013 02:03

Title: In The Eye of The Beholder
Rating: NC-17
For: badboy-fangirl; this is a rewriting of her story Size Matters (which everyone should read because flawlessness).
Characters/Pairings: Damon/Elena
Wordcount: 1100
Summary: Damon can feel Elena's eyes follow him around the room.
A/N: AU after 4x05.

In The Eye of The Beholder )

fanfiction: the vampire diaries

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badboy_fangirl February 5 2013, 02:27:35 UTC
Somehow you posted this twice? Tired much, love? ;-)

I'll be back with comments shortly!


upupa_epops February 5 2013, 02:33:57 UTC
Ugh, lj went down for a few when I was posting! It must've duplicated the post, and I didn't notice. Thanks!


badboy_fangirl February 5 2013, 02:44:05 UTC
So, I really like that he's all self-blaming for this. Like, it's his own fault Elena wants him, but it's not cocky at all (as one might expect) -- it's like this horrible burden he has to bear now and if he had known it would feel this way he never would have done it. (He still would have done it, no matter what ( ... )


upupa_epops February 5 2013, 03:03:19 UTC
I'm so glad you were around to read this right away! Rewritings are tricky, and I was freaking out you wouldn't like it :).

You're right, it's so hard to write Damon's POV without getting all parenthetical ;). It just fits, I can't think of a better way to reflect his auto-irony.

I imagine that her stare must be infuriating and arousing at the same time. He can never be sure why exactly she's looking.

It's just...with Elena it really was about desire and connection and the mystery of him, and then when she sees the emotion burning so brightly in his face, it becomes more emotional for her (always the boy, this girl). So, Damon with all his angsty emotions that really have nothing to do with sex, but ultimately they get to be expressed lovingly (because, always the girl, this boy) and he gets to be seen, and felt, and accepted...just, guh.

In a nutshell.

Thank you for letting me play with your story! <33333 I had a great time, even though I took so long to finish :).


badboy_fangirl February 5 2013, 03:09:39 UTC
Now I feel very obligated to get to your rewrite--which wasn't on my list, because you keep making me add to my list! So, I'm pausing my fic-a-thon prompt to work on the rewrite. Then I will finish the fic-a-thon prompt, THEN I'll write Damon/Rose.

Ugh, why can't I be independently wealthy so I can just sit around and write fic all day?

Also, I will never not love the role reversal of Damon and Elena. It's so refreshing! And, THANK YOU for writing this. I have been dreaming of it for so long, and it was a sweet dream!


upupa_epops February 5 2013, 03:22:00 UTC
Take your time, there's no rush! Finish the fic-a-thon prompt if you want :). I can wait.

Ugh, why can't I be independently wealthy so I can just sit around and write fic all day?

The question I ask myself every day.

The role reversal is a thing of beauty! And it makes them easier to write, I think? Each of them is a mixture of traditionally "male" and traditionally "female" (just like most people in the real world are) and that makes it easy to get into their heads, to find yourself in each of them. I also love how Damon is "the girl in the relationship", but it doesn't make him any less attractive, even though it's so easy to make fun of men who show feminine traits. But Damn? He finishes too soon and worries that Elena just wants him for his pretty looks, and yet he's still undeniably attractive ;).


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