Just a TVD thought

Oct 18, 2011 02:28

This entry is pure rant; fandom-rant, not show-rant.

Spoilers up to 3x06 promo, I guess )

fandom: the vampire diaries, elena gilbert is amazing, aghr

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Comments 10

ever_neutral October 18 2011, 01:50:16 UTC
Ugh, seriously. HATE. ::stabbity stab stab::


upupa_epops October 18 2011, 05:18:24 UTC
I know, right? :((( And after this particular promo I was vomiting rainbows for two days, because, seriously, Elena was awesome.


eowyn_315 October 18 2011, 02:28:24 UTC
It really is like BtVS fandom all over again...

I'm having flashbacks: "Buffy's such a bitch! How dare she be so mean to Spike! Can't she see that he ~loves her?? She should totes love him back, because that is something you are obligated to do when someone has a crush on you! GOD she is so selfish, like her feelings should matter more than poor love-sick Spike's!"

(And for the record, if you ask people why they ship a character they hate with a character they love, they will generally say, "Because Spike/Damon loves her, and I want him to be happy and get what he wants. And I don't really ship them in canon anyway, I ship them in my own little fanon universe where Buffy/Elena is SUCH A BETTER PERSON because she does exactly what I want her to instead of what's in character for her!" Except I maybe added on that last part.)


upupa_epops October 18 2011, 05:54:09 UTC
Oh, I don't think you're adding that much... Think of the things Elena does in all the Bad Delena Fanfiction when she realizes that She Was Wrong. Or, in case you are smarter than me and refuse to read any of those, just trust me - she does some disturbing OOC things...

Yeah, I thought about Buffy as well :(. And it was still a nasty surprise, because, in my opinion, those people were totally misreading the promo!


eowyn_315 October 19 2011, 14:48:54 UTC
Hahaha, I have not read Bad Delena Fanfiction. I don't really venture into TVD fandom, I only read what ever_neutral recs. She takes good care of me. :)


upupa_epops October 19 2011, 15:40:20 UTC
Well, when I started watching TVD, I was so consumed by it I would read anything. It lasted for about a month, and I ran out of good ff after a week or two; curse the young fandoms... I tried to read some fanfiction lately, but I met you guys, and discussing things with you takes most of the time I would normally spend reading bad fanfiction ;).


janie_tangerine October 18 2011, 08:29:45 UTC
Uuuhm, wtf? Well, after I read about people wanting her to die because she apparently cheated on Stefan in the S2 finale (???!!! HOW WAS THAT CHEATING) nothing surprises me anymore. Also I don't get how you hate on someone who's actually a) awesome b) mature c) a ton better than most female leads I've ever seen on a show. And geez I don't even get Damon/Elena shippers that want them to be TOGETHER FOREVER while rainbows sparkle behind them - I just can't see it as that kind of relationship. And he's my favorite character so I have all reasons to want to see him happy, but I'm pretty sure that they -couldn't- be happy/well adjusted together (not when she's/was/has been/whatever in love with his brother - same reason Katherine/Damon will never work for me). And ugh Damon is no white knight or sad puppy, dammit. He'd probably eat anyone who'd suggest that... ;)


upupa_epops October 18 2011, 21:12:48 UTC
I kind of want to eat them as well... *recognizes herself in her favorite characters*

I can't even begin to comprehend this. wtfbrain told me today (and I think she is right :( ) that it doesn't really matter what Elena does or does not do; some people are just determined to hate her.

As for Damon/Elena - it's my favorite TVD ship, and if it ever happens with rainbows and sparkles and unicorns, I'm going to do something irresponsible. Details yet to be decided. Suggestions are welcome.


garrett_black October 19 2011, 15:53:54 UTC
It's obvious my dear sister - people like to see characters they admire suffering. So they ship them with the characters they belive are most annoying...


upupa_epops October 19 2011, 20:49:50 UTC
That's a theory worth considering... I'm not sure if I agree, but still - worth a thought, my dear brother.


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