Just a TVD thought

Oct 18, 2011 02:28

This entry is pure rant; fandom-rant, not show-rant.

So I'm struggling to write this fic that is supposed to make me feel better after the compulsion thing in 3x05, and I wanted to check something in the promos for the next episode, so I opened them via one of the lj communities, and than I made a mistake and started reading the comments. Seriously, people, if you hate Elena THAT MUCH, why do you ship her with Damon whom you admire so much? OBVIOUSLY she is not smart enough for him, and, by the way, she is also annoying, selfish, blind and worse than Bella Swan. Oh, and Damon is the white knight. Or a sad puppy, whichever you prefer.

I am not amused.

fandom: the vampire diaries, elena gilbert is amazing, aghr

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