(no subject)

Apr 12, 2008 12:07

"May I help you? "

Well it's finally warming up around here. Amen?

The PDE exam was a bit painful, but I managed to pull off a 73! I never thought I'd be grateful to receive a "C" for an exam.
Hey, it's 15% above the average grade! That's what I get for succombing to senioritis...

Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure one of my teammates never did his part of the coding. As soon as we'd like to see some of his results, 
He's conveniently accidentaly lost the code because of "file corruption". Oh really?
Is that his excuse for not submitting homework? *sigh* just twenty-something more days...

Most people are cold-hearted essentially because they think they need to be loved. So as they...
(someone just said my name, and I have no idea who they are; a metaphor of my current social situation)
...so as they dubonairily seek what they think they need, they play a dangerous game of chicken with like-minded individuals
in which the chance of failure is great, and results in a greater chance of failure for the next round. Each failure is perceived as painful,
and their heart atrophies as they try to neglect it. And they become, as Thich Naht Hanh would say, "a hungry ghost".
 But actually, they need to love. For without love, one is nothing and shall be discarded as such.
And as one practices love, it grows stronger within them like a muscle. Loving benefits all, not just those who receive.
Indeed, "it is more blessed to give than to receive." (~Jesus Christ!)

Speaking of Jesus, I have a small piece of heaven in my storage unit. As I lay peacefully on my comfy bed, the calming sensation of nothingness sweeps over my mind, dousing the coals of desire. Meditation stops the otherwise endless chatter of the mind and I begin to enjoy the stillness of the moment. Sometimes, I'll put on some music, and the mellow tones of bass and jazz vibraphone whisper sweet nothings in my ears as my mind coasts downhill, into the valley of unconsciousness.
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