Music Suggestions?

Oct 06, 2009 16:22

I need music suggestions for a new Arwen vid. Honestly, any ideas are welcome, cos I've got two on the go at the moment and neither of them are amazingly inspiring... I need my muse back! lol.

It's also getting bloody cold in Leeds. We actually managed to get the heating on for a while yesterday, which was a novelty. Though I'm back with my electric heater now, avoiding work and RPing. I'm soooo close to being caught up on posts for KTMS now! People should be proud, for the day or so it lasts...

I'm supposed to be making a presentation for my Experimental Techniques class about Animal Testing in Science. I'm arguing the fact that it's wrong, because thats what I picked from the hat, not because I believe it. It's always worse when you have to write a debate from the opposite side, isn't it? Anyways, it's not going well. I'm probably gonna have to to go up to the front and make it up... Though, if anyone finds any good news stories about people protesting against it, could they send them over? I need examples and stuff.

Anyways, random bit of procrastination over. I'll shut up now.

EDIT: New vid! Arwen. I know you're shocked.
And I've learnt to embed videos onto here. But please, if you can comment on youtube I'll love you forever.

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