In a move that frustrates me and delights the National Education Association, Florida's highest court struck down the state's school voucher system. The vouchers, known as Opportunity Scholarships, are a cornerstone of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's education agenda, but in a 5-2 opinion the Florida Supreme Court rebuked Bush's approach, declaring the program unconstitutional and saying it funnels tax dollars into “separate private systems parallel to and in competition with the free public schools.” Two Bush appointees dissented.
USA Today: Fla. school vouchers struck downOf course it does! That's what vouchers are all about. Talk about stating the obvious.
Between the teacher's unions and the control freaks that want to run everyone else's life and the anti-religion zealots we will never see true choice in basic education in this country. Unless we begin making changes to state constitutions and laws only the rich will be able to send their children to the best schools. The rest of us will have to take what the monopoly dishes out even if that means sending your child to something as dangerous as a hot zone in Iraq.
If I would have had the money, my kids would have gone to the local Catholic schools. The public school administration in San Marcos, TX was more concerned with turning out good little politically correct robots then young people prepared for a real world. It would have been a darn sight easier to deal with the religious programming then the lack of basic schooling.
Mrs. Whack, why anyone would want to raise a child in this place and this time, I'll never know.