Time dulls everything

May 22, 2010 21:28

I don't think anyone really reads what I write here. The people that are important to me and think that Im important to them already know whats going on in my life. For the last few months I have had to learn hard lessons about people and myself. I have had to make hard decisions about things and people in my life. I know that I am making the right choices and therefore will be in better places for it. But that doesn't mean that it isn't hard. I think back to the past and wish that I could go back to what I thought was real but really was just me trying to pretend that it was. Even though I am moving forward I can't seem to stop looking back.

The decisions I have made are hard because they aren't comfortable but yet they are the best decision for me. But over time the pain and the gumption I had that made me pick that side dulls, like everything does with time. And I start to wonder if I was right with my decisions. So I go back to that confort and find out that the happy memories I had are just that memories and that isn't reality anymore.

Im still working out. I did my 7th week over because I wasn't able to do it the first time, due to sickness and some finals. So I have two more weeks to go. It can't come soon enough! I want to be done! Its almost here and I can just taste it!!!! Im so proud of myself for actually working out for a constant 8 weeks. I feel great and my body is starting to look it too. My belly is getting flat and my legs are looking great.  I was able to do my first complete push up today which makes me proud because I don't know any girl that can do that!  My mom and I are going to do P90X once im done with Insanity. Im excited about starting that!

Jeff and I are doing amazing.  We are going to go to Vegas the first weekend of June which will be like a nice prelude to my birthday, which is that Tuesday.

I got accepted in to Cal State Fullerton this last week. It was a great feeling, such a relief! Now I have to do a bunch of things about getting in there but im ok with that it will all get me where I want to be.
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