(no subject)

Aug 27, 2007 19:21

ahhhhh i just dont fuckin know.
im so god damn lost and depressed.
but then my other half is really happy.

ive drifted away from EVERYONE this summer cause im never fuckin around. i seriously fucking HATE IT. im so upset. i see all my friends gettin closer 2 every1 else n goin otu at night n havin fun and bein all buddy buddy n gettin closer n just havin a good summer. then i see all my friends all happy wit their friends, n im driftin away cause i cannever see any1. i just am so ughhh. fristrated. im overworked and underpaid. if eel i have no time 4 any1 or anything and it sucks. i just wana b a teenager n go out n have fun. not work full time n make barely nothing and not go out cause im so busy working. it fuckin blows. u dont understand. i dont feel liek a teenager. i feel like a teenage mother with no money n no friends and it sucks.
i dont think ive seen my mom 4 more then 5 min all summer cause im never around.
i javent had 1 homecooked meal this summer, i dont have sleepovers n i just dont have fun really. idunno.

so yesterday morning i wake up 2 some bad news. lucy(my dogggg. aka my lifeeee) had a huge growth on her tummy n was rushed 2 the hospital, turns out it was multile tumors and if if spread 2 the lungs she was put 2 sleep n if not she is operated on n has surgery, soo im cryin n really nervous n then we found out it didnt spread 2 her lungs and she is gonna have surgery, which is better. lats night she looked so helpless. iw as just layin wit her n pettin her n she was just liek sleepin n looked in pain it was sad. n then the same thing this morning. i was pettin her n cryin cause i felt so bad 4 her. but then icame home at night n she was walkin a lil n had eaten so it was good. n her surgery is 2morrow. so i hope all goes well. thats my baby.

my sister left yesterday=[ which is upsettin, i wish i had more time wit her, i just feel i wasnt here, n when i am i am depressed so it puts me in a bad mood.

so anyway. lets get 2 some good.
kenny n i r amazing=] i actually really like this one, and im startin 2 really see us lastin 4 awhile. im not liek omg i love him obv but i deff do like him alot:] so its good. im happy. and hes just perfect 2 me, he really is.
and all my friends that met him liek him alottt:] like magdi isa n john really liekd him so thatw as a really good thing 4 meeee=]
i like himmmmmm=]
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