Sep 27, 2004 02:22
It is 2:22 am. I am still not finished with my FLA paper and I have hmwk for every other subject to do, also.
I'm taking a break, and I want to turn up my music and sing as loudly as I can. But...I can't do that. Because I live in a dorm. I was talking to this girl today--she's a sophomore--and she lives with her boyfriend. They rent the second and third floors of this old historical house on broadway, about four houses down from campus. Granted, I don't want to live with a boyfriend, but living off campus in a victorian era house would kick ass, especially if I could be really loud at 2 am.
Also, I want to go dancing.
I think TJ and are going to do stats homework now....yes. At 2:26 am.
Four, three, two, one, at the barrel of a gun....
Tonight I painted my toe nails, sha la la la. I've decided to be happy. Damn menstrual cycles. Damn them to hypothetical hell.
OH! Celia, the funny girl--when we were reliving our youth and listening to to Nsync, the song "God must have spent a little more time on you" came on. She looked at me and said, "hey, this one's for you, kid." Such a comedian : )