Sep 20, 2004 22:13
The scene opens with Mallory studying in the lobby, when suddenly her phone rings--her roommate's number comes up on ID.
Mal: Hey, girl.
AT: Hey, um, I might not be here when you get back, but just ignore the smell…
Mal: Smell?
AT: Yeah, I, uh…my pillow caught on fire, and now the whole hall smells like smoke..
Mal: You what?! HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU CATCH YOUR PILLOW ON FIRE? Wait, I’m coming, I’m coming…(click)
I came upstairs to find AT sitting on the floor outside our room, and Megan, my RA, patrolling the hallway with a bottle of Febreeze with a frustrated face.
The culprit? AT hadn't turned off her clamp-on bed lamp, and it fell on a pillow.
The story? AT had been talking online, and smelled something burning. Our room faces the courtyard, so she assumed that someone was burning something down there, and she shut the window to get rid of the smell. Somehow, she STILL didn't see the burning pillow out of the corner of her eye, so it flamed for a few more minutes before she realized what was happening.
Her reaction? She grabbed the pillow, and when blowing at the fire didn't extinguish it, she ran down the hall, with the flaming pillow abover her head, screaming for Megan.
After Megan put out the fire in the shampoo room sink, AT called me, and I run up from the lobby, and I could smell it from the second floor...AT told me the story and I had to sit down because I was laughing so hard.
And now there's some girl in my room asking if we know what that smell is. She's about the 6th person to ask. Oh, no, wait, now there's some other chick in here asking about it, too...