Title - Sakura
Author -
unwritten_ideasRating - PG
Word Count - 771
Pairing - Gackt x You
Characters - Gackt, You
Disclaimer - don’t own squat and if I did, I’d be posting this with pictures
Summary - Gackt really is like sakura
Notes - sakura (cherry blossoms) only bloom for one to two weeks each year, typically in spring. I just thought I'd mention that, in case anyone doesn't know!
There was something about Gackt and sakura that was a natural fit, You thought.
Chacha had said the same when Gackt had first approached them with the lyrics and music for his new song, Sakura Chiru. For Chacha though, the relationship between Gackt and the beautiful, but fleeting flowers that Japan was famous for was a different relationship to the one You had in mind.
“Sakura blooms brightly for a short time and then wilts and falls before your eyes”, Chacha had said. “Just like Gackt when he’s on stage.”
You had nodded in agreement, his mind full of images of Gackt strong and sure on stage before his tired, broken and unconscious body had to be carried away from it. If the lives were Gackt in full bloom, then the hours that followed were him scattered on the floor like wilted and fallen petals.
The sakura trees remained bare of their blossoms until the next spring, when they recovered and the cycle began again. Gackt would remain broken and tired until the next stage, when he’d burn brightly again before falling, again.
Yes, Gackt really was sakura, just like Chacha had said.
But to You, Gackt was sakura for a different reason.
When You thought of Gackt and he thought of those beautiful cherry blossoms, his mind raced back to a spring many years ago. It was a spring where the sakura had been especially vivid and the neighbourhood that You walked through everyday had been ablaze with sunlight and light pink petals. He had never seen a sakura season like it since.
As the sakura trees had slowly shaken off the cold of the winter and began to bloom, hesitantly and nervously, something else had began in an equally hesitant and nervous way. Gackt had intrigued and confused You since they had first met in anger in the previous year and that curiosity and confusion had finally blossomed when You had softly kissed Gackt underneath the first sakura blooms of that year.
Gackt had been surprised and shocked into silence, but as the lingering, ghostly feel of You’s lips against his own had begun to fade, Gackt had looked up at the sakura blossoms above his head and smiled.
As the streets had become awash with brilliant petals, You and Gackt had taken their growing relationship further. They had been young and inexperienced, but like the sakura that braved and defeated the lingering winter chill they had faced their uncertainty and made discoveries together.
Even now, twenty years later, You knew that the most content he’d ever felt had been one afternoon during that spring. Outside the window was the magnificent sakura tree that stood tall beside his family’s home and it was radiant with branches full of full bloom sakura. The blooms were easily seen through the window and with no wind disturbing them, they looked so perfect that it was hard to believe that they were real. Inside his room was something equally perfect and hard to believe was real. As You ran his fingers through the long hair of the sleeping man curled up against his chest, You had wanted nothing more than to freeze that moment forever.
Perfect blossoms outside, and unending potential dozing in his arms.
The first blossoms had fallen the next day. Gackt had been busy with his work and hadn’t answered You’s phone calls.
As more petals had fallen, Gackt had slipped further away.
The petals that had once been so brilliant, so strong and so firm on the branch had soon begun to collect in the road and blow away in the breeze. The budding relationship that had once been so full of potential was lying in tatters and becoming a distant memory.
You didn’t understand how either had happened.
Eventually, as the last of the sakura had finally given up and fallen to the floor, Gackt had come to see him. You had listened, his eyes fixed on the bare tree outside the window as Gackt had explained that some things just couldn’t last. They were never meant to be permanent and should be cherished for what they were and not what they could never be. Experimentation, Gackt had said. A curiosity that was now filled.
Just like the sakura, it had been over just as it had become beautiful.
Yes, Gackt truly was sakura.
And although he denied it and refused to admit it to himself, You still hoped and dreamed that one day, like the sakura, that budding relationship would bloom again. Only this time, it would last forever instead of dying in the winds of spring.