Dec 07, 2006 20:53
I guess it's pretty much impossible to ever expect anyone to keep their word; or follow through anything anymore. Or stay the same.
I always thought that I'd be friends with the people I've been really good friends with in 6th grade. Silly, and maybe even a bit naive, I know. And maybe they can't say the same about me, but I can honestly say that they're the best friends I've ever had.
I remember how we'd always talk about how things would be like when highschool came around; and how we'll still be friends. And here we are now, and we hardly ever see or talk to each other and it sucks and it just goes to show how stupid I was for ever thinking that.
I can't help but miss them so much. At least, what they used to be.
They're all so different now.
Me, on the other hand. I'm the more insecure version of my 6th grade self. I haven't changed one bit.
Go figure.
You know how they say that the people that stick with you through highschool are your 'true' friends? I can't imagine that ever happening for me. Everyone in my life is temporary, just as temporary as I am in their life. I feel like when I leave, and I swear I will leave, for college, I wouldn't have a hard time leaving because I have no deep attachments. And I know its years off, and maybe by then my mind would have changed about everything, but right now I feel like I need to leave. I want to meet new people.
I want to start over.